Datasets flowchart description
Question 1: Does the requester want an electronic copy?
- If the answer is no, disclose the information under FOIA. This does not give any right to re-use.
- If the answer is yes, then go to question 2.
Question 2: Is the information a dataset?
- If the answer is no, disclose the information under FOIA. This does not give any right to re-use.
- If the answer is yes, then you must release the dataset is an re-usable form so far as reasonably practicable. Go to question 3.
Question 3: Is it a relevant copyright work?
- If the answer is no, disclose the information under FOIA. This does not give any right to re-use.
- If the answer is yes, the go to question 4.
Question 4: Do you own the copyright or database right?
- If the answer is no, disclose the information under FOIA. This does not give any right to re-use.
- If the answer is yes, then go to question 5.
Question 5: Is it covered by RPSI?
- If the answer is no, then go to question 6.
- If the answer is yes, disclose under FOIA & license re-use under RPSI.
Question 6: Are you going to charge for re-use under FOIA or other statutory powers?
- If the answer is no, disclose under FOIA & license re-use under OGL or Non- commercial Licence.
- If the answer is yes, then issue a fees notice and go to question 7.
Question 7: Did you receive the required fee?
- If the answer is no, disclose the information under FOIA. This does not give any right to re-use.
- If the answer is yes, then Disclose under FOIA & license re-use under Charged Licence.