Cabinet Office
- Date 22 March 2021
- Sector Central government
- Decision(s) EIR 12.5.a: Not upheld, FOI 24(2): Not upheld
Summary wording for website: The complainant has requested information held by the National Resilience Capabilities Programme or the National Security Council: Ministerial SubCommittee on Resilience. The Cabinet Office response to this was considerably delayed but, following service of a decision notice by the Commissioner, it refused to confirm or deny whether it held the requested information citing FOIA Casework created date: (From E088 report) 31.1.20 section 24(2) (national security) and its equivalent in EIR (regulation 12(5)(a)) as its basis for doing so. It upheld this at internal review. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Cabinet Office is entitled to rely on FOIA section 24(2) and EIR regulation 12(5)(a) as its basis for refusing to confirm or deny whether it holds the requested information. No steps are required.