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Wycombe District Council

  • Date 22 February 2017
  • Sector Local government
  • Decision(s) FOI 1: Partly upheld, FOI 24: Not upheld

The complainant has requested information on Wycombe District Council’s Prevent programme. The Council answered some of the questions but considered that information requested in some parts of the request was exempt from disclosure under sections 24 and 31 of the FOIA. It later amended its position and stated information was not held for most of the parts of the request but maintained that the information held for part 7 of the request was exempt under section 41 and 31. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Council has complied with section 1 of the FOIA by stating that information is not held for the majority of the request but considers that the Council has not complied with section 1(1) in relation to part 10. She also finds the section 24(1) exemption is engaged in relation to the information that is held for part 7 and the public interest favours maintaining the exemption. The Commissioner requires the Council to confirm what information is held for part 10 of the request and provide this to the complainant subject to the application of any exemptions.