Children’s Advisory Panel (CAP)
To help ensure that the ICO remains responsive to children’s issues, and to assist the ICO to support industry and engage with children, parents and schools on data protection issues, the ICO has set up a Children’s Advisory Panel (CAP).
The panel is made up of experts from across children and family services, education, academia, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and industry, and will hold three sessions throughout the transition year in 2021.
It’s been set up to support and challenge the ICO’s thinking and practice related to the Code, and will help ensure: the Code links to schools and wider educational practice and policy; engages children and parents; and helps the ICO innovate and plan product development for these audiences alongside industry organisations.
The first meeting of the CAP was held in April 2021 where members received an introduction to the Children’s Code from the Deputy Commissioner, Steve Wood. Discussions included potential risks and harms to children arising from the use of online services, and the ICO’s plans for engaging with children, parents and teachers in the run up to the end of the transition period.
By donating their time and expertise the CAP members are providing valuable advice as well as recognising and championing the value and ambition of the Children’s Code to protect children online.
The PSHE Association – the national body for personal, social, health and economic education and the national association for PSHE teachers, leaders and other practitioners.
The Age Verification Providers Association - a not-for-profit global trade body representing organisations who provide age assurance solutions.
ChildNet - a UK charity that aims to make the Internet Safer for children and young people.
Internet Matters - a not-for-profit organisation that aims to empower parents and carers to keep children safe online.
Parent Zone - a social enterprise that provides advice, knowledge and support to parents, schools and industry to improve outcomes for children in a digital world.
Teach First - a teacher training programme partnering with schools in low income areas to tackle inequalities and disadvantages within the school system.
Education Scotland - a Scottish Government executive agency that supports quality and improvement in Scottish education.
The Insights Family - leading market research organisation for kids, parents and family audiences.
UKIE – the trade association for the UK gaming industry.
The Children’s Commissioner’s Office - the Children’s Commissioner is appointed by the Department for Education to promote and protect the rights of children, and leads the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.